Holiday Events

Holiday Train Block Party
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. (until the train goes by)
The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train is expected to come through Waterloo for the 21st annual trip of this magical train.
**Bring canned goods with pull-tab lids for our local food pantry
Christmas Carols with Excelsior
8 p.m. in big tent, later in depot
The Taylors and Mama Tried Band from Nashville,TN
8:30-12:30 pm, in the big tent
Food & Beverages:
Mad Anthony
River A Smoking Q
Warm A Heart
Waterloo Fire Dept
Holiday Market
Family activities
Door prizes
Visit with Santa
Sponsored By: DeKalb Health, Material Partners, Charleston Metal Products, Covington Box & Packaging, DeKalb Council on Aging, New Hope Christian Center, RP Wakefield/Elsie Manufacturing, Squier Pallet, Town of Waterloo, Waterloo Business Association, Waterloo Family Dentistry
Light Up Waterloo Decorating Contests
- Decorate a tree for Thomson Park and install it by Nov. 22.
- Decorate your home or business
- Enter the contest or vote for the best tree, home or business decorations at Town Hall, or email to enter contest.
- Winners will be announced at the Chili Supper.
Chili Supper
Friday, January 3, 2020
5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Depot
Enjoy a meal with neighbors, win door prizes and celebrate winners of our Light Up Waterloo contest.
Free will donations accepted for dinner.
All brought to you by Waterloo Main Street