Depot First Anniversary Celebration
WATERLOO, IN – The Town Council of Waterloo and Friends of the Depot are pleased to announce plans to celebrate the first anniversary of re-opening their historic train station for passenger use. The open house was held on Sunday, June 25 from 2 – 4 p.m. The simple event included refreshments, door prizes and historical information about the Waterloo station.
Amtrak donated the grand prize for the door prize drawing – a pair of round-trip tickets to Chicago from Waterloo. Jeff Merica of Auburn, IN won the drawing.
The Town of Waterloo completed a 10-year project to restore and move an historic train depot closer to the only Amtrak boarding platform in northeast Indiana. The restoration and relocation project was funded entirely by a federal TIGER II grant and Transportation Enhancement funds. More than 20,000 passengers board at this site annually and many have thanked community leaders and station attendants over the past year for improving their access to rail service.
The depot has been decorated like a museum by Friends of the Depot, a volunteer group that formed to maintain exhibits and develop programs to sustain the building. They coordinated the event and were on hand to answer questions about the station and share their love for trains.
There has been so much interest in the historic Waterloo depot since its renovation and relocation, Friends of the Depot have decided to make it available for visitors. Currently, the Amtrak station is open one hour before train arrival times and stays open until the trains depart for Amtrak passengers. This means it is closed most of the day when visitors tend to come to the station. Volunteers will open the train station for free on the second Saturday each month from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. from now through October.
The anniversary celebration provides yet another opportunity for history and train enthusiasts to see the building. For more information, contact Town Manager Tena Woenker at (260) 837-7428.
Click here for more: 1st anniversary celebration flyer 2017