Waterloo Holiday Activities
Light up Waterloo
Decorating Contest
It’s time to check out everyone’s holiday decorations and vote for your favorites. We’ll celebrate those who make Waterloo sparkle and have a chance to win prizes at the January 12 chili supper. Pick up a voting form at the Waterloo Town Hall, using our contact form on this website or email townmanager@waterlooin.gov to vote for your favorite contestant for most attractive lights or decorations.
Current contestants include:
500 Meadow Lane
585 Meadow Lane
510 Meadow Lane
570 S Indiana
545 S Indiana
420 S Washington
370 S Wayne
425 S Wayne
455 S Wayne
1360 S Wayne
105 E Walnut
320 E Walnut St
220 W Walnut
225 W Walnut
540 Oak
290 W Douglas
420 W Douglas
595 W Douglas
590 Oakdale
895 S Center
725 Pine
255 Peneton
265 Peneton
275 Peneton
555 W Railroad
210 W Union
325 W Union
775 W Union
280 N Center
355 N Washington
650 E Marion
945 Ruman
Waterloo Street Department
Tour the town to see the lights. You can vote for your favorite decorations at Town Hall, using our contact form on this website, or email the address of your favorite decorations to: townmanager@waterlooin.gov.
Winners will be announced at our annual Chili Supper January 12.
Chili Supper
Friday, January 12, 5:30-7 p.m. at the Depot
Enjoy a meal with neighbors, enter for door prized and celebrate winners of our Light Up Waterloo contest. Free will donations accepted for dinner.
All activities sponsored by the Town of Waterloo, Friends of the Depot, Friends of the Library & Main Street.
Holiday Train
On Nov. 30, hundreds waited at the Depot
This was the 19th annual trip of the beautifully lit Canadian Pacific Holiday Train. It came through Waterloo on its way to Chicago on Thursday night, November 30, around 12:15 a.m. Thank you everyone who donated – we collected canned fruit or vegetables with pull-tab lids for local food pantries, and offered hot chocolate, cookies, games and good company while we waited in the Depot for the train. This was a really fun night ans we can’t wait until next year!
You can follow the train’s progress on facebook.com/HolidayTrain