Holiday Events
Holiday Train Block Party Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. (until the train goes by) The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train is expected to come through Waterloo for the 21st annual trip of this magical train. **Bring canned…
Holiday Train Block Party Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. (until the train goes by) The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train is expected to come through Waterloo for the 21st annual trip of this magical train. **Bring canned…
Waterloo offices will be closed Wednesday, November 11th,2020.
Waterloo to Expand Farmers Market with Live Music Waterloo, IN –Waterloo Main Street is inviting everyone to join us for a special Farmer's Market on October 11 to celebrate the end of the season. The event is free and open…
PUBLIC NOTICE Request for Proposal/Qualifications. The Town of Waterloo Redevelopment Commission is requesting Statements of Proposal/Qualifications from qualified parties for the acquisition of land and redevelopment of property for the entire west side of the 200 block of North Wayne…
Waterloo Town offices will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.
Family Event Night Anti-Bullying GKB and Early Head start invite you to Anti-Bullying with Brent Warfield Featuring KZD Bikes Francis Thomson Park Van Vleek St. Waterloo, IN 46793 Thursday, September 5th From 5:30-7:00 p.m. Open to the public Meal provided…
WATERLOO PUBLIC FORUM Do you have problems with stray cats? Feral Cat Community Discussion July 30, 2019; 6 p.m. Historic Waterloo Depot