RDC will meet via Zoom. The public is invited to attend by clicking or copying and pasting the link into your web browser. Pamela Howard is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: RDC Time: Apr 3, 2020 04:30…
Request for Proposals to Transform Downtown Waterloo
PUBLIC NOTICE Request for Proposal/Qualifications. The Town of Waterloo Redevelopment Commission is requesting Statements of Proposal/Qualifications from qualified parties for the acquisition of land and redevelopment of property for the entire west side of the 200 block of North Wayne…
July Meeting Reminder
Due to the holiday on July 4, the Waterloo Redevelopment Commission will meet Wednesday July 11 at Waterloo Town Hall, at 5:30 p.m.
Downtown Vision Presentation
The public forum was well attended and the students in urban planning with Ball State University did a great job presenting their Vision for Downtown Waterloo. Check out their proposal and information about how to attain our goals. Click here: Downtown Revitalization…
Please take the downtown Waterloo survey: https://tinyurl.com/yawyqaj5 Jan. 23, Waterloo SWAT Analysis and Idea Session- Went Great! Check out these news stories about our first public meeting: http://wane.com/2018/01/23/downtown-waterloo-the-focus-at-public-forum/ http://www.wfft.com/content/news/Community-offers-ideas-for-towns-future-470810213.html You Can Participate: January 24 – Feb. 11, take a survey…
Invitation for Bids I-69 Water Line
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Waterloo Redevelopment Commission in DeKalb County, Indiana, will receive sealed bid packets for the construction of the I-69 Water Transmission Main from the Waterloo industrial park to the northwest side of the…
Redevelopment Commission Minutes 1-25-17
Waterloo Redevelopment Commission minutes 1-25-17